A medical power of attorney is extremely important for Wichita Falls and Dallas residents, and really for anyone for thatGavel and stethoscope to represent medical power of attorneys matter. A medical power of attorney appoints a trusted individual as your agent to make medical decisions for you in the event you are incapacitated and can no longer make those decisions on your own. This document is often coupled with a Healthcare Directive, sometimes referred to as a Living Will, which provides direction regarding your medical decisions not only to your healthcare provider but also to the person you appointed as your agent in your Medical Power of Attorney.

Contact a Wichita Falls and Dallas Estate Planning Attorney

If you or a loved one is considering getting an estate plan, contact our Wichita Falls and Dallas estate planning attorney either by calling one of the numbers listed below or by filling out our contact form. For Wichita Falls estate plans, contact us at 940-569-4000. For Dallas estate plans, contact us at 945-295-0014. We will give you a free evaluation of your situation and offer you helpful guidance on what may work best for you.