Being involved in a Wichita Falls car wreck is an awful experience. You’re faced with the inconveniences of getting yourWichita Falls Car Wrecks with Uninsured Motorists car fixed and dealing with the insurance companies, not to mention dealing with your injuries. On top of all this, you’re inconvenienced by the time it takes to deal with all these issues as well as by the money these things costs. The good news is that in a typical Wichita Falls car wreck, the driver who caused the accident’s insurance company will compensate you for your injuries and the cost to get your car fixed. They’ll sometimes even compensate you for being forced to take time off work. But what happens when you’re involved in a Wichita Falls car wreck with someone who either doesn’t have enough insurance to cover your injuries or doesn’t have any insurance at all?  

Collect From Every Insurance Policy that is Available for Your Wichita Falls Car Wreck

Being involved in a Wichita Falls car wreck where the at-fault driver’s insurance company isn’t enough to cover your damages is frustrating. First, if the at-fault driver just doesn’t have enough insurance to cover your damages, then you should go ahead and file a claim with their insurance company and collect all the compensation you can from them. When doing this, be sure to follow our steps on how to handle your case on your own so you can have the best chance of collecting the policy limits of the insurance policy. On the other hand, if the at-fault driver didn’t have any insurance at all, you will have to resort to step two. While you could pursue a claim against the person individually, you’ll have to do an asset search on them to see if it is worth it and if they even have anything to recover from.

Step two is to begin collecting from any other insurance policy that is available to you. For medical expenses, you can rely on your own health insurance. For vehicle repairs and lost wages, you can rely on uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist coverage. This add-on coverage to your own policy is a lifesaver in situations just like this. It’s relatively inexpensive and so important that we believe everyone should have it.

Contact a Wichita Falls Car Wreck Lawyer

If you or anyone you know has been injured in a car wreck in Wichita Falls, contact our Wichita Falls car wreck lawyer at 940-569-4000 or fill out our contact form to set up a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation. We will give you a free evaluation of your case and offer you helpful information for how to proceed.

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